Our unique teaching approach has consistently proven to work for our valued students.


Our Teaching Approach (Primary Level)

We’re here for your child. Our unique teaching approach has consistently proven to work for our valued students. Our students have gained confidence and enthusiasm. They have subsequently advanced to score well in their examinations.

Our Mathematics Teaching Approach

  • We teach the foundation of every topic
  • We break down the foundation into simpler concepts and steps
  • Students are taught different heuristic approaches to solve the same type of questions so they can decisively adopt the most suitable methods
  • After ensuring that our students have a strong foundation, they are subsequently taught to identify the questions
  • Next, they are given ample practice to strengthen their knowledge
  • We ensure that our students become capable of thinking through and correctly answering examination questions without assistance
  • Our students will reinforce their learning before examinations

Our Science Teaching Approach

  • We teach the key concepts and key terms of every topic
  • We use pictures and flowcharts to explain the details of these key concepts
  • Our students are taught to analyse and relate the questions back to what they have learnt
  • Our students are taught the correct techniques to answer open ended questions
  • Hands-on experiments are conducted to deepen understanding
  • We exposed our students to different possible examination questions
  • We ensure that our students become capable of thinking through and correctly answering examination questions without assistance
  • Our students will reinforce their learning before examinations


Our Teaching Approach (Secondary Level)

Every child is precious to us. Our unique teaching approach has consistently proven to work for our valued students. Our students have gained confidence and enthusiasm. They have subsequently advanced to score well in their examinations.

Our Mathematics Teaching Approach

  • We teach the foundation of every topic
  • We break down every formula and explain every term thoroughly
  • We ensured that our students have a strong foundation and subsequently we will exposed them to different types of questions
  • Our students are taught to analyse and relate these questions to what they have learnt
  • We provide our students with ample practices
  • We ensured that our students became capable of thinking through and correctly answering examination questions without assistance
  • Our students will reinforce their learning before examinations

    Our Science Teaching Approach

    • We teach the key concepts and key terms of every topic
    • We use pictures and flowcharts to explain the details of these key concepts
    • We use real life examples to illustrate key concepts
    • Our students are taught effective techniques to answer open ended questions
    • We provide our students with ample practices
    • We ensured that our students became capable of thinking through and correctly answering examination questions without assistance
    • Our students will reinforce their learning before examinations


    What Our Students Say

    Get In Touch With Us Today!

    Book your Trial Class now and we’ll assess your child’s greatest strengths and weaknesses. We capitalize on their strengths and work on their weaknesses to help our students realise their true potential.

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